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Student Help Documents

If you have any questions or concerns about the accessibility of the content or documents on this page, please view our Public Accessibility Statement.

General Information

  1. Academic Advisers
  2. Camera Settings in Chrome or Firefox
  3. Campus Computer Labs
  4. Change Address and Name
  5. Class Schedule Search
  6. Clearing Internet Browsers
  7. eBill Login
  8. First Time Access to SAIL
  9. How to Login for Registration
  10. Moodle Information
  11. MySail Email Update
  12. ADMNET NetID Password Information
  13. Not Authorized Web System
  14. Online Admissions Application
  15. Out-of-State Tuition Information
  16. Portal FAQ
  17. Purchasing Textbooks
  18. Records Do Not Match
  19. Registration Page Not Enabled
  20. Returning Students
  21. SAIL FAQ
  22. Submit Help Desk Ticket
  23. Transcript Requests
  24. Trouble Registering for Emergency Alerts

Account Log-in Information

  1. Admissions Login
  2. Change ADMNET or NetID Password
  3. Compromised GrizzlyID
  4. Create NetID
  5. Direct Deposit Break-in Error Message
  6. Faculty Position Admin Website
  7. Grizzly ID or PIN Reset
  8. User ID Determined

Email Information

  1. Attachments are Blocked
  2. Attachments Not Sending
  3. Calendar Notifications
  4. Compromised Webmail
  5. Failed Delivery Email
  6. Gmail Recipient Limit
  7. Google Calendar Appointments Missing
  8. Mac Mail Setup
  9. OU Email Deletion
  10. Sending Email to OU
  11. Setup OU Account Android
  12. Setup OU Account iPhone
  13. Unwanted SPAM Email
  14. Webmail to Gmail

Remote Access

OU Help Desk

Kresge Library, Room 202
100 Library Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4479
(location map)
Fax: (248) 370-4863

Office Hours: M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm